Some lifetime gifts for you for your pleasure- - Des cadeaux pour toute votre vie, vos plaisirs

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Pay by e-transfer to-day or tomorrow, deduct 5% from invoice! Register, bid NOW BEFORE auction as electrical problems happens. Delivered by Canada Posts in a few days, week, weeks or if you prefer months from now; free storage till mailed.- S.V.P. problèmes électriques etc., registrez, gagez MAINTENANT AVANT l'encan. Livraison Postes Canada des jours, semaines ou si vous préférez des mois de maintenant; entreposage gratuite jusqu'à livraison. Déduire 5% en payant par e-transfer ce jour ou demain
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Black Americana Lady pushing buggy toys - rare - jouet Noire Américaine poussant le chariot40A - Black Americana Lady pushing buggy toys - rare - jouet Noire Américaine poussant le chariot
Black Americana Lady pushing buggy toys, for your collection or start one or give this as an wonderful interesting gift ! - rare - jouet Noire A
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 625.00 | Estimate : 1,250.00 - 1,850.00
This is 40A - Ceci est 40A40B - This is 40A - Ceci est 40A
Black Americana Lady pushing buggy toys, for your collection or start one or give this as an wonderful interesting gift ! - rare - jouet Noire A
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 625.00 | Estimate : 1,250.00 - 1,850.00
peinture originale LangdonArt Réalité ou Rêve 16hx12" LangdonArt original painting Dream or Reality59A - peinture originale LangdonArt Réalité ou Rêve 16hx12" LangdonArt original painting Dream or Reality
Comme Artiste LangdonArt rêve comme en peignant plein air dehors telle scène ombrageuse aussi bien que humide ou floue, vous pouvez im
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 350.00 | Estimate : 1,400.00 - 4,800.00
Beau Québec peinture originale par LangdonArt 8x10" - original painting Beau Quebec by LangdonArt69A - Beau Québec peinture originale par LangdonArt 8x10" - original painting Beau Quebec by LangdonArt
Comme Artiste LangdonArt, vous pouvez imaginer des arbres, des montagnes, le soleil, l'eau, la réflexion, des scènes diverses dans sa
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 125.00 | Estimate : 950.00 - 2,000.00
Langdonart mini painting realism and/or abstraction3x3"-LangdonArt peinture réaliste et/ou abstraite373A - Langdonart mini painting realism and/or abstraction3x3"-LangdonArt peinture réaliste et/ou abstraite
On vous demande de nommer cette intrigante peinture très petite créée par LangdonArt ; titrée temporairement "LangdonA
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 1.00 | Estimate : 75.00 - 800.00
jouet vieux de téléphones en sa boite - 2 - telephones old toy in box2510 - jouet vieux de téléphones en sa boite - 2 - telephones old toy in box
Jouet vieux de deux téléphones en sa condition comme telle en partie boite ap. 3h x 16 long x 9 pouces sur elle est affiché "e
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 125.00 | Estimate : 175.00 - 250.00
Antique Joachin Burcheron Lariviere original painting of peaches - peinture originale par Larivière2511E - Antique Joachin Burcheron Lariviere original painting of peaches - peinture originale par Larivière
"Peaches" or 'Peaches' an original antique painting by Joachin Burcheron Lariviere (now deceased), with image about 9 high x 12 in...
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 3,625.00 | Estimate : 7,750.00 - 15,500.00
This is 2511E - Ceci est 2511E2511F - This is 2511E - Ceci est 2511E
"Peaches" or 'Peaches' an original antique painting by Joachin Burcheron Lariviere (now deceased), with image about 9 high x 12 in...
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 3,625.00 | Estimate : 7,750.00 - 15,500.00
Antique highlands landscape Joachin Burcheron Lariviere original painting - peinture ancienne2512G - Antique highlands landscape Joachin Burcheron Lariviere original painting - peinture ancienne
"Highlands" an extraordinary landscape Joachin Burcheron Lariviere collectible original painting; exquisite details of the animals looking...
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 2,300.00 | Estimate : 3,521.00 - 6,450.00
Antique oil painting birds in lansdcape Joachin Lariviere -Ancienne vieille peinture paysage oiseaux2513C - Antique oil painting birds in lansdcape Joachin Lariviere -Ancienne vieille peinture paysage oiseaux
Antique oil painting birds in landscape Joachin Lariviere - ancienne vieille peinture paysage oiseaux par Joachin Larivière
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 325.00 | Estimate : 675.00 - 1,150.00
"Nature Morte" an Joachin Burcheron Lariviere still life painting - Nature morte peinture originale2514H - "Nature Morte" an Joachin Burcheron Lariviere still life painting - Nature morte peinture originale
"Nature Morte" an Joachin Burcheron Lariviere still life painting on canvas about 10 high x 16 inches; "Still Life" Pot as vase ...
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 600.00 | Estimate : 1,350.00 - 4,500.00
Antique as is doll articulated holed head surly over 100 years old - ancienne poupée articulée2615A - Antique as is doll articulated holed head surly over 100 years old - ancienne poupée articulée
This doll toy, was a marionnette ? See the 3 photos Antique as is beautiful doll articulated holed head surely over 100 years old, very decorative, fo
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 150.00 | Estimate : 375.00 - 750.00
This is 2615A - Ceci est 2615A2615B - This is 2615A - Ceci est 2615A
This doll toy, was a marionnette ? See the 3 photos Antique as is beautiful doll articulated holed head surely over 100 years old, very decorative, fo
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 150.00 | Estimate : 375.00 - 750.00
This is 2615A - Ceci est 2615A2615C - This is 2615A - Ceci est 2615A
This doll toy, was a marionnette ? See the 3 photos Antique as is beautiful doll articulated holed head surely over 100 years old, very decorative, fo
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 150.00 | Estimate : 375.00 - 750.00