RR Auction: Sports Auction

Auction Details

RR Auction is pleased to present our first auction entirely devoted to the category of Sports. We’re offering more than 600 items, in a variety of formats – cards, signed baseballs, game-worn jerseys, Olympics memorabilia and more. The auction features highly desirable and PSA-certified baseball cards, including a large selection of fresh-to-market cards from a lifelong collector.
ALS - Autograph Letter Signed
ANS - Autograph Note Signed
AQS - Autograph Quotation Signed
AMQS - Autograph Musical Quotation Signed
DS - Document Signed
FDC - First Day Cover
Inscribed - “Personalized”
ISP - Inscribed Signed Photograph
LS - Letter Signed
SP - Signed Photograph
TLS - Typed Letter Signed
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