MALACHY [O'Morgair], Saint : - Germano ( Giovanni ). Additione apologetico-istorica alle Preditioni

Currency:EUR Category:Antiques / Books & Manuscripts Start Price:10.00 EUR Estimated At:1,200.00 - 1,500.00 EUR
MALACHY [O'Morgair], Saint : - Germano ( Giovanni ). Additione apologetico-istorica alle Preditioni

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Auction Date:2012 Oct 20 @ 11:00 (UTC+1)
Location:38 Molesworth Street, Dublin, Dublin, ., Ireland
MALACHY [O'Morgair], Saint : - Germano ( Giovanni ). Additione apologetico-istorica alle Preditioni circa i Sommi Pontefici Romani del glorioso padre S. Malachia … Napoli, appresso Carlo Porsile, 1675. [with :] Seconda additione istorico-simbolica … Napoli per Carlo Porsile, 1676. Naples, Carlo Porsile, 1675-76FIRST EDITIONS, pages (8), 179, (5) : (16), 96, 2 works in 1 volume, 4to, contemporary vellum : very good, unsophisticated copies.Malachy (Máel Máedóc Ua Morgair), 1094-1148, Armagh-born archbishop, papal legate, the most prominent advocate of the 12C reform of the Irish church and the first Irishman to be canonized. "A brilliant lamp which illuminated territories and churches by preaching and good works." - Annals of the Four Masters. None of his writings are known to exist, but falsley ascribed to him is the Prophecy of the Popes, a 16C forgery consisting of a list of mottoes supposedly fitting pontiffs from the mid 12C to the end of time, the last being Peter II. The present two works, supplementing Germano's 'Vita gesti e predittioni' of 1670, are remarkably uncommon : not found in NUC and COPAC has just one copy of each (BL). They were unknown to the writer of the DNB article (Thomas Hamilton) or to Sweeney.IRELAND; HISTORY; RELIGION; NAPLES PRINTED; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;