Helm's End-of-the-Year Holidaze!

Auction Details

Helm's End-of-the-Year Holidaze! catalog contains Native American artifacts such as Navajo weavings and Pueblo pottery, Pre-Columbian artifacts, and other pre-historic items such as arrowheads and other stone tools. This catalog also features several fine art offerings to include oil paintings. Also included are Oceanic, African and Asian tribal artifacts. This catalog also includes Native American and Mexican jewelry from the 20th century as well as many other items.
Buyer's Premium is 22%. There are no returns.

We are not accepting credit cards. For large dollar amount payments, we may need to require a bank or wire transfer. This will be determined on an individual basis and your invoice will reflect these details. We will provide you the transfer information if applicable.

Note: All prehistoric pottery and artifacts were taken from private land legally, without breaking any state or federal laws.
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