Fine Art, Asian, Silver & Jewelry

Auction Details

Turner Auctions + Appraisals is pleased to present a Holiday Auction on Saturday, December 11, 2021, featuring Fine and Decorative Art, Asian, Silver & Jewelry. Offering 320 lots from estates and consignors, the auction showcases an inviting selection of items ideal for holiday gift-giving – or special treasures to enjoy oneself.

Fine art in a variety of media include works from the 18th-20th centuries, mostly from Europe and America. Among the noted artists are Ira Yeager, Thomas Hill, Julian Rix, Erte, Umberto Levi, Samuel Bak, Dan Namingha, George Rodrigue, Janice Biala, and Mark Adams. Asian items from the 19th and 20th centuries include cloisonné and hardstone, censers, storage jars, lacquer platters, bowls and dishes, a rock crystal figure, a carved box, and Satsuma and Imari pieces. In addition to several distinctive lots of Russian silver, there are a sterling silver tea service, goblets, tableware, and flatware. A diverse selection of bronze commemorative medals is also on offer.

The auction also features an eclectic selection of decorative arts: wall sconces, architectural panels, a brass lantern clock, rock crystal balls on stands, a mother-of-pearl bowl and cribbage box, Boehm porcelain plaques, an Aubusson floral tapestry, an Italian neoclassical pier mirror, several maps from the Planisphaerium Ptolemaicum series, an antique cased ship model of the “Flying Cloud,” an amethyst jardinière, a Leica M3 camera plus and lens and accessories, glass vases by noted makers, Lalique items, collections of perfume bottles, groupings of tobacco felts, vintage postcards and more. Besides porcelain plates and dinnerware, there are a variety of porcelain or ceramic figures made by Cybis, Belleek, Dresden, Rosenthal, Royal Copenhagen, Goldscheider, Lladro and Lomonosov. Among several furniture items are an escritoire; and tea, console and center tables.

Jewelry offerings include necklaces, bracelets, rings, pendants, and brooches – most of 14K or 18K gold and set with gemstones such as diamonds, emeralds, rubies, sapphires, jade, pearls, crystal, blue topaz, lapis lazuli, amber, and/or onyx. Noted luxury brands in the sale include Buccellati, Tiffany, Chanel, David Yurman, Hermès, Van Cleef & Arpels, Manfredi, Dinh Van, Misani, and Michael Dawkins. For men there are a Tiffany pocket watch and several wristwatches. Completing the sale are a Louis Vuitton clutch and bag.
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