Correspondence, Foley, Ohio Group, c1853 [189645]

Currency:USD Category:Stamps / United States - Covers Start Price:10.00 USD Estimated At:100.00 - 150.00 USD
Correspondence, Foley, Ohio Group, c1853 [189645]
FINAL AUCTION RECORD The Auctioneer’s podium notes serve as the final, legally binding record of the auction results, superseding any electronic bidding records. See Terms and Conditions
Early settler, Foley family correspondence with cover, c1853. Personal 2-sided letter, 8" x 10", signed by Foley (illegible initials), New Brunswick, New Jersey, to his parents, John (initial illegible) Foley Esqr., Edinburg, Portage County, Ohio. New Brunswick 1853 postmarked cover. No hint of stamp ever there. Postmark says "3" or "5" "Paid."[ New Brunswick New Jersey