Canada DC-13c 1898 $1 ONLY 6 IN UNC UNC63 PCGS

Currency:CAD Category:Coins & Paper Money / Paper Money - Canada Start Price:1.00 CAD Estimated At:8,000.00 - 12,000.00 CAD
Canada DC-13c 1898 $1 ONLY 6 IN UNC UNC63 PCGS
Everything starts at $1! Our largest auction sale ever!

Buyers' premium of 20% will be added to the hammer price.
Credit cards, PayPal, AMEX and other merchant cards are subject to an additional 3% processing fee on top of the full sale price.

All population statistics are based on PMG's pop report regardless of the grading company the item is encapsulated in. (PMG is the only company with a total population report so that is where we find the basis.)
Canada DC-13c 1898 $1 ONLY 6 IN UNC UNC63 PCGS

A popular example of one of Canada's first $1 notes. Very rare to find in high grade shown by the fact that PMG has only 6 examples recorded on their cencus. A rare opportunity to acquire a high grade rarity.