Another Great Radio Auction!

Auction Details

Sargent Auction Service has been fortunate to be asked to sell at auction the contents of the late Paul Winans fine collection of vintage collectible radios. This sale will include many prized radios from the 1930's and 40's. Several other consignors have joined this auction. Advertising, tubes, audio, books, televisions, and so much more, this sale has it all!
Please watch this sight for any last minute changes. I am expecting the birth of a grandchild in mid-May...however, my daughter in Virginia is not known for carrying a baby to the due date. So, the auction date may slip because I have my priorities in the right place.
Where possible, every attempt has been made to determine status of each item in this auction, both physical and electrical, at time of testing. However, no guarantees are expressed or implied and all items are sold "as is where is". An indication of "works" simply means minimal testing was done and item does operate at some level. Additional repairs may or may not be necessary.
Auction items coming soon!This auction's items are not yet available to view online.
They will be listed here as soon as they are ready.