Almosta Junction Store Train Collection Part 2

Auction Details

Turner Auctions + Appraisals is pleased to present Part 2 of Model Trains & More from Almosta Junction, a popular shop, now closed, in Clearfield, Utah. The online sale in several parts will feature the complete inventory of the shop, which was owned by the late Ben Graham. This auction, Part 2, focuses on trains made by Lionel, Atlas, MTH and K-Line; related accessories; and railroad books and manuals. Most of the model trains are “new old stock,” brand-new and in their original boxes.

The wide selection of Lionel trains features a Pere Marquette Berkshire locomotive and Polar Express tender, a Wizard of Oz set and cars, a 90th Anniversary set, a Boy Scout Anniversary locomotive and cars, and a Polar Railroad K4 locomotive and tender; as well as a Lionel operating hobby shop and UFO café. From MTH are Christmas and holiday cars, a Great Northern 4-8-4 Locomotive, a New York Central Empire State Express steam engine, a NASA flatcar set, freight cars, and a Z4000 with two receivers.

K-Line offerings include a Santa Fe diner and combine, army train cars, Looney Tunes cars, and a Get Osama operating car. Among the Atlas O gauge trains are boxcars, flat cars hoppers, reefers, tank cars, gondolas, turnouts, tracks and D+RGW dealer passenger sets. There are also an extensive variety of accessories: vehicles, trees, building kits, hobby tools and parts, switches, track, electrical items, conversion kits, decals, and wearables – plus train books, manuals, and publications. Rounding out the offerings are a selection of Micro Trains, diverse USA Christmas reefers, and several items from the Carole Town Collection.
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