1795 Boston, Washington Street Residents Bridge Building Petition

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1795 Boston, Washington Street Residents Bridge Building Petition
Federal Period
1795 Washington Street, Boston

Residents “Bridge” Petition
October 6, 1795-Dated Federal Period, Washington Street Residents’ Manuscript Petition for building a Bridge, Historical Document Signed, “Israel Mead”, Boston, Very Fine.
October 6, 1795-Dated Federal Period, Manuscript Document Signed, “Israel Mead”, 1 page, measuring about 6.5” x 9.5”, at Boston. Israel Mead was a noted merchant and owner of the 1782 commissioned Revolutionary War period Privateer Ship “Wasp” (more details provided online). This is an original beautifully penned Petition by the residents of Washington Street for permission to “erect a Bridge”. Addressed to the "Select Men of the Town of Boston", this Petition Document reads, in full:

“To the Honbl Gentlemen, the Select Men of the Town of Boston. --- The Petition of a number of Proprietors and Inhabitants on Boston Neck humbly & herewith - That where as your Petitioners being situated on each side of Washington Street, some having a house on one side & a Store on the other, And as in general, we wish to keep up a friendly correspondance with each other, we find it extreemly difficult & dangerous in fording the waters in sd Street, & as it is expensive & troublesome in travelling round, - We humbly pray yr Honours that you would grant us liberty to erect a Bridge across sd Street or will divise some ways & means that sd water course may be turned as yr wisdom may dictate And yr Petitioners as in duty bound shall pray. -- (Signed) Israel Mead”. - “Boston 6 Oct. 1795”

Lightly folded with small chips out from the upper top right corner and has scattered tone. The Handwritten text of the Document is complete and boldly written, no doubt to attract proper attention of the Select Men of the Town of Boston.
Boston Neck, also known as the Roxbury Neck, was a narrow strip connecting Boston, which was then a peninsula, to the mainland city of Roxbury. The adjoining area was gradually filled in as Boston later expanded and absorbed adjoining municipalities including Brookline.

Israel Mead - Owner of the Massachusetts Privateer Boat “Wasp” which was originally commissioned on 26 January 1782 under Commander Thomas Thompson of Boston. She was reported with a crew of nine men, armed with small arms. Wasp was bonded for $5,000 by Thompson, Lucas, and Benjamin Cobb of Boston.

Thompson libeled the 30-ton schooner Peggy (John Crosby) in the Massachusetts Maritime Court of the Middle District on 17 June 1782, along with the Massachusetts Privateer Boat Fly (Commander Joshua Weatherly). Libeled at the same time were some beef, rum, and an ox, stated to be illegal goods seized on the high seas. Trial was held on 25 June.

Apparently ownership of the Privateer Ship Wasp changed, for she was re-commissioned under Thompson on 29 June 1782. The Wasp was now listed as having one gun and a crew of eighteen men. The new owners were Israel Mead et al, of Boston. Wasp was bonded for $20,000 by Thompson and Joshua Witherle and Joshua Farrington.

In October 1782, one “S.” Thompson led a small party of men in a rowboat in an attack on a British packet ship. After skirmishing two hours the Americans were beaten off with three killed and ten wounded. Soon after Thompson captured a snow with a cargo of oats. In November 1782 he captured a ship with a cargo of fish.

Wasp, in conjunction with the Fly (now commanded by John Perry), captured the 10-ton shallop Lively (Isaac —) and an un-named 15-ton schooner about early November 1782. These were libeled in the Maritime Court on 18 November 1782, and tried on 3 December 1782.