April 28-29, 2019 Estate/Collectibles Auction

Auction Details

Sessions 1: Live Bidding with Absentee Bidding
Session 2: Online Timed Auction

Offered here is an eclectic mix of estate items, collectibles, jewellery, tools, stamps, artwork, sculptures, and just about anything else you can imagine.

Details at www.wardsauctions.com
Items are only shipped through Canada Post and must fit in their package limits.

Anything larger or restricted is the responsibility of the buyer.

No warranty or guarantee is given by Ward’s Auctions or its representatives as to condition or authenticity of any auction items.
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Swarovski crystal dolphin 3 3/4" in height101 - Swarovski crystal dolphin 3 3/4" in height
Ward's Auctions
Swarovski crystal dolphin 3 3/4" in height
Bidding Has Concluded
Folding ribbon grain mahogany table102 - Folding ribbon grain mahogany table
Ward's Auctions
Folding ribbon grain mahogany table
Bidding Has Concluded
Illinois size 16 pocket watch, 17 jewel grade 604, model Texas Special, serial # 3081806 dates this 103 - Illinois size 16 pocket watch, 17 jewel grade 604, model Texas Special, serial # 3081806 dates this
Ward's Auctions
Illinois size 16 pocket watch, 17 jewel grade 604, model Texas Special, serial # 3081806 dates this watch to 1916, 3/4 nickel plate stem wind and set
Bidding Has Concluded
Hampden size 18 pocket watch, 17 jewel model 3, serial # 3101657 dates this watch to 1913, engraved 104 - Hampden size 18 pocket watch, 17 jewel model 3, serial # 3101657 dates this watch to 1913, engraved
Ward's Auctions
Hampden size 18 pocket watch, 17 jewel model 3, serial # 3101657 dates this watch to 1913, engraved nickel full plate stem wind and set movement signe
Bidding Has Concluded
Elgin size 18 pocket watch,15 jewel, serial # 11347915, grade 326, this watch dates to 1905. Full gi105 - Elgin size 18 pocket watch,15 jewel, serial # 11347915, grade 326, this watch dates to 1905. Full gi
Ward's Auctions
Elgin size 18 pocket watch,15 jewel, serial # 11347915, grade 326, this watch dates to 1905. Full gilt plate stem wind and set movement signed Elgin N
Bidding Has Concluded
Antique Regency style Tiger maple dining suite with large double pedestal table with three insert le106 - Antique Regency style Tiger maple dining suite with large double pedestal table with three insert le
Ward's Auctions
Antique Regency style Tiger maple dining suite with large double pedestal table with three insert leaves, china cabinet, sideboard and six chairs incl
Bidding Has Concluded
Antique three section drape panel oak room divider, each panel is 66" X 18"107 - Antique three section drape panel oak room divider, each panel is 66" X 18"
Ward's Auctions
Antique three section drape panel oak room divider, each panel is 66" X 18"
Bidding Has Concluded
Wool area carpet with floral design, blue background and teal, taupe, cream and red colours etc. 47"108 - Wool area carpet with floral design, blue background and teal, taupe, cream and red colours etc. 47"
Ward's Auctions
Wool area carpet with floral design, blue background and teal, taupe, cream and red colours etc. 47" X 66"
Bidding Has Concluded
Thirteen vintage plates including Royal Crown Derby, Aynsley, Wedgwood, Royal Harvey, Limoges, Cauld109 - Thirteen vintage plates including Royal Crown Derby, Aynsley, Wedgwood, Royal Harvey, Limoges, Cauld
Ward's Auctions
Thirteen vintage plates including Royal Crown Derby, Aynsley, Wedgwood, Royal Harvey, Limoges, Cauldron, Royal Chelsea, Tuscan etc. Notice: Not Availa
Bidding Has Concluded
Greg Bennett design Corsair electric base guitar in purple lacquered finish and hard case110 - Greg Bennett design Corsair electric base guitar in purple lacquered finish and hard case
Ward's Auctions
Greg Bennett design Corsair electric base guitar in purple lacquered finish and hard case. Notice: May be expensive to ship
Bidding Has Concluded
Three vintage soapstone carvings, all artist signed including 11" long Kayak, walrus and a loon,111 - Three vintage soapstone carvings, all artist signed including 11" long Kayak, walrus and a loon,
Ward's Auctions
Three vintage soapstone carvings, all artist signed including 11" long Kayak, walrus and a loon,
Bidding Has Concluded
Bakelite Marconi table top radio in restored working order and a Chinese made chiming deco motif wal112 - Bakelite Marconi table top radio in restored working order and a Chinese made chiming deco motif wal
Ward's Auctions
Bakelite Marconi table top radio in restored working order and a Chinese made chiming deco motif wall clock
Bidding Has Concluded
Twelve china cups and saucers including Aynsley, Paragon, Royal Grafton, Royal Stafford, Royal Tusca113 - Twelve china cups and saucers including Aynsley, Paragon, Royal Grafton, Royal Stafford, Royal Tusca
Ward's Auctions
Twelve china cups and saucers including Aynsley, Paragon, Royal Grafton, Royal Stafford, Royal Tuscan, Limoges and Hammersley. Notice: Not Available f
Bidding Has Concluded
Antique oak dining table with heavy reeded supports, two insert leaves with total extension of 73" p114 - Antique oak dining table with heavy reeded supports, two insert leaves with total extension of 73" p
Ward's Auctions
Antique oak dining table with heavy reeded supports, two insert leaves with total extension of 73" plus six oak upholstered seat dining chair i...
Bidding Has Concluded
Antique quarter cut oak sideboard with curved drawers, two doors with applied carvings, tall mirrore115 - Antique quarter cut oak sideboard with curved drawers, two doors with applied carvings, tall mirrore
Ward's Auctions
Antique quarter cut oak sideboard with curved drawers, two doors with applied carvings, tall mirrored backboard with carved and applied decoration, 83
Bidding Has Concluded
Chinese lidded seal paste box with erotic pictorial interior and a bronze double handled and footed 116 - Chinese lidded seal paste box with erotic pictorial interior and a bronze double handled and footed
Ward's Auctions
Chinese lidded seal paste box with erotic pictorial interior and a bronze double handled and footed bowl
Bidding Has Concluded
Vintage Sensitive Anemometer by C.F. Casella, London in fitted wooden box plus a Suncor desk top pre117 - Vintage Sensitive Anemometer by C.F. Casella, London in fitted wooden box plus a Suncor desk top pre
Ward's Auctions
Vintage Sensitive Anemometer by C.F. Casella, London in fitted wooden box plus a Suncor desk top presentation safety aware piece containing oil sample
Bidding Has Concluded
Antique tapestry upholstered open arm parlour chair with reeded supports118 - Antique tapestry upholstered open arm parlour chair with reeded supports
Ward's Auctions
Antique tapestry upholstered open arm parlour chair with reeded supports
Bidding Has Concluded
Pair of embroidered tasselled gauntlets, a pair of glass beaded fur edged mittens and a wooden texti119 - Pair of embroidered tasselled gauntlets, a pair of glass beaded fur edged mittens and a wooden texti
Ward's Auctions
Pair of embroidered tasselled gauntlets, a pair of glass beaded fur edged mittens and a wooden textile stamp
Bidding Has Concluded
Nineteen vintage and antique hardcover books including Jack London, Voyages and Life, Ivanhoe, Robin120 - Nineteen vintage and antique hardcover books including Jack London, Voyages and Life, Ivanhoe, Robin
Ward's Auctions
Nineteen vintage and antique hardcover books including Jack London, Voyages and Life, Ivanhoe, Robin Hood, The Leisure Hour etc.
Bidding Has Concluded
Three boxed Barbie dolls including Camelot's king and queen Arthur and Guinevere, Kelly dolls Hansel121 - Three boxed Barbie dolls including Camelot's king and queen Arthur and Guinevere, Kelly dolls Hansel
Ward's Auctions
Three boxed Barbie dolls including Camelot's king and queen Arthur and Guinevere, Kelly dolls Hansel and Gretel and Barbie Coca-cola
Bidding Has Concluded
Antique leaded and bevelled glass panel, 36" X 16"122 - Antique leaded and bevelled glass panel, 36" X 16"
Ward's Auctions
Antique leaded and bevelled glass panel, 36" X 16"
Bidding Has Concluded
Antique leaded and bevelled glass panel, 36" X 16"123 - Antique leaded and bevelled glass panel, 36" X 16"
Ward's Auctions
Antique leaded and bevelled glass panel, 36" X 16"
Bidding Has Concluded
Antique leaded and bevelled glass panel, 36" X 16"124 - Antique leaded and bevelled glass panel, 36" X 16"
Ward's Auctions
Antique leaded and bevelled glass panel, 36" X 16"
Bidding Has Concluded
Antique leaded and bevelled glass panel, 24" X 16"125 - Antique leaded and bevelled glass panel, 24" X 16"
Ward's Auctions
Antique leaded and bevelled glass panel, 24" X 16"
Bidding Has Concluded
Antique style kidney shaped vitrine with multiple glass panels and removable drinks tray126 - Antique style kidney shaped vitrine with multiple glass panels and removable drinks tray
Ward's Auctions
Antique style kidney shaped vitrine with multiple glass panels and removable drinks tray
Bidding Has Concluded
Royal Copenhagen tea service with teapot, four tea cups and saucer, lidded sugar bowl and creamer pl127 - Royal Copenhagen tea service with teapot, four tea cups and saucer, lidded sugar bowl and creamer pl
Ward's Auctions
Royal Copenhagen tea service with teapot, four tea cups and saucer, lidded sugar bowl and creamer plus blue and white Royal Copenhagen dish. Notice: N
Bidding Has Concluded
Selection of antique pewter ware including cocoa pot, Strom pitcher, lidded double handled sugar bow128 - Selection of antique pewter ware including cocoa pot, Strom pitcher, lidded double handled sugar bow
Ward's Auctions
Selection of antique pewter ware including cocoa pot, Strom pitcher, lidded double handled sugar bowl, candlestick etc. and a hand enhanced and hand p
Bidding Has Concluded
Selection of vintage collectibles including a wall mount lamp with reflector, a finger lamp, a barn 129 - Selection of vintage collectibles including a wall mount lamp with reflector, a finger lamp, a barn
Ward's Auctions
Selection of vintage collectibles including a wall mount lamp with reflector, a finger lamp, a barn lamp plus a Coleman gas iron, three coloured glass
Bidding Has Concluded
Five art glass paperweights including Marcolin, Cathness Reverie Scotland, Glass eye studio, 2005 Ro130 - Five art glass paperweights including Marcolin, Cathness Reverie Scotland, Glass eye studio, 2005 Ro
Ward's Auctions
Five art glass paperweights including Marcolin, Cathness Reverie Scotland, Glass eye studio, 2005 Royal visit and a Swedish glass
Bidding Has Concluded
Large selection of vintage collectible pens including fountain pens, nibs, wooden pencil box etc.131 - Large selection of vintage collectible pens including fountain pens, nibs, wooden pencil box etc.
Ward's Auctions
Large selection of vintage collectible pens including fountain pens, nibs, wooden pencil box etc.
Bidding Has Concluded
Vintage Japanese field compass with leather carrying pouch132 - Vintage Japanese field compass with leather carrying pouch
Ward's Auctions
Vintage Japanese field compass with leather carrying pouch
Bidding Has Concluded
Two tray lots of vintage porcelain including hand-painted footed bowls including one with Vienna mar133 - Two tray lots of vintage porcelain including hand-painted footed bowls including one with Vienna mar
Ward's Auctions
Two tray lots of vintage porcelain including hand-painted footed bowls including one with Vienna markings, four plates, plus a selection of cabinet pi
Bidding Has Concluded
Antique Oriental Duan ink stone in fitted box circa 1910 and a 3" hand-painted "mountain landscape" 134 - Antique Oriental Duan ink stone in fitted box circa 1910 and a 3" hand-painted "mountain landscape"
Ward's Auctions
Antique Oriental Duan ink stone in fitted box circa 1910 and a 3" hand-painted "mountain landscape" brush washer
Bidding Has Concluded
Pair of matching oil lamps with wall mounts and reflectors, selection of coloured insulators, glass 135 - Pair of matching oil lamps with wall mounts and reflectors, selection of coloured insulators, glass
Ward's Auctions
Pair of matching oil lamps with wall mounts and reflectors, selection of coloured insulators, glass L.S.B products washboard and a selection of horse
Bidding Has Concluded
Jewellery case filled with vintage and collectible costume jewellery including signed Trifari, Forte136 - Jewellery case filled with vintage and collectible costume jewellery including signed Trifari, Forte
Ward's Auctions
Jewellery case filled with vintage and collectible costume jewellery including signed Trifari, Forte, Coro, sterling Siam and enamel bracelet etc. vin
Bidding Has Concluded
Two tray lots of collectibles including Wedgwood Queen's ware and Jasper, Royal Doulton Top O' the H137 - Two tray lots of collectibles including Wedgwood Queen's ware and Jasper, Royal Doulton Top O' the H
Ward's Auctions
Two tray lots of collectibles including Wedgwood Queen's ware and Jasper, Royal Doulton Top O' the Hill HN1833, china cups and saucers inclu...
Bidding Has Concluded
Four piece, near new simulated wicker patio suite including loveseat, two armchairs and coffee table138 - Four piece, near new simulated wicker patio suite including loveseat, two armchairs and coffee table
Ward's Auctions
Four piece, near new simulated wicker patio suite including loveseat, two armchairs and coffee table
Bidding Has Concluded
Three Royal Doulton figurines including Chloe and smaller Bo Peep HN1811 and The Little Bridesmaid H139 - Three Royal Doulton figurines including Chloe and smaller Bo Peep HN1811 and The Little Bridesmaid H
Ward's Auctions
Three Royal Doulton figurines including Chloe and smaller Bo Peep HN1811 and The Little Bridesmaid HN1633
Bidding Has Concluded
Six split cane fishing rods, assorted brands and sizes, some with reels including spinster etc.140 - Six split cane fishing rods, assorted brands and sizes, some with reels including spinster etc.
Ward's Auctions
Six split cane fishing rods, assorted brands and sizes, some with reels including spinster etc.
Bidding Has Concluded
Two framed original art works including watercolour painting of a rural scene signed by artist Jim (141 - Two framed original art works including watercolour painting of a rural scene signed by artist Jim (
Ward's Auctions
Two framed original art works including watercolour painting of a rural scene signed by artist Jim (?) 12" X 21" and a small framed windmi...
Bidding Has Concluded
Metal bound steamer trunk with tray 38" X 24" X 23"142 - Metal bound steamer trunk with tray 38" X 24" X 23"
Ward's Auctions
Metal bound steamer trunk with tray 38" X 24" X 23"
Bidding Has Concluded
Selection of Birks sterling flatware, various patterns including twelve dessert/salad forks, eight p143 - Selection of Birks sterling flatware, various patterns including twelve dessert/salad forks, eight p
Ward's Auctions
Selection of Birks sterling flatware, various patterns including twelve dessert/salad forks, eight pieced handled spoons, and six coffee spoons
Bidding Has Concluded
Selection of vintage china collectibles including hand-painted footed bowl, Royal Winton "Summertime144 - Selection of vintage china collectibles including hand-painted footed bowl, Royal Winton "Summertime
Ward's Auctions
Selection of vintage china collectibles including hand-painted footed bowl, Royal Winton "Summertime" chintz jug, cheese keep, lidded butt...
Bidding Has Concluded
Bohemian milk glass cut to ruby baluster vase with hand painted decoration 12" in height plus a matc145 - Bohemian milk glass cut to ruby baluster vase with hand painted decoration 12" in height plus a matc
Ward's Auctions
Bohemian milk glass cut to ruby baluster vase with hand painted decoration 12" in height plus a matching ashtray and small bud vase
Bidding Has Concluded
Semi contemporary S-curve oak roll top desk, set up for computer including tower storage, keyboard d146 - Semi contemporary S-curve oak roll top desk, set up for computer including tower storage, keyboard d
Ward's Auctions
Semi contemporary S-curve oak roll top desk, set up for computer including tower storage, keyboard drawer and wire routing
Bidding Has Concluded
Flip top four drawer wooden floor standing flatware cabinet filled with Northumbria sterling silver 147 - Flip top four drawer wooden floor standing flatware cabinet filled with Northumbria sterling silver
Ward's Auctions
Flip top four drawer wooden floor standing flatware cabinet filled with Northumbria sterling silver flatware with settings for 12 of dinner knives, di
Bidding Has Concluded
Selection of sterling silver Northumbria serving pieces to match lot 147 including carving set with 148 - Selection of sterling silver Northumbria serving pieces to match lot 147 including carving set with
Ward's Auctions
Selection of sterling silver Northumbria serving pieces to match lot 147 including carving set with serving fork, knife and sharpener, set of salad se
Bidding Has Concluded
Four pocket watches including two quartz with embossed cases and two vintage including French watch 149 - Four pocket watches including two quartz with embossed cases and two vintage including French watch
Ward's Auctions
Four pocket watches including two quartz with embossed cases and two vintage including French watch with second sweep, all in need of repair
Bidding Has Concluded
Antique Canadiana quarter cut oak center pedestal dining table with five triple slat back chairs inc150 - Antique Canadiana quarter cut oak center pedestal dining table with five triple slat back chairs inc
Ward's Auctions
Antique Canadiana quarter cut oak center pedestal dining table with five triple slat back chairs including one carver, plus two skirted and one non-sk
Bidding Has Concluded
Elgin 16 size pocket watch, 15 jewel model 20 grade 575, serial #V591088 dates this watch to 1949, 3151 - Elgin 16 size pocket watch, 15 jewel model 20 grade 575, serial #V591088 dates this watch to 1949, 3
Ward's Auctions
Elgin 16 size pocket watch, 15 jewel model 20 grade 575, serial #V591088 dates this watch to 1949, 3/4 nickel plate stem wind and set movement signed
Bidding Has Concluded
Illinois size 12 pocket watch with 17 jewel model 1 grade 255, serial # 2981245 dates this watch to 152 - Illinois size 12 pocket watch with 17 jewel model 1 grade 255, serial # 2981245 dates this watch to
Ward's Auctions
Illinois size 12 pocket watch with 17 jewel model 1 grade 255, serial # 2981245 dates this watch to 1916, engraved nickel split plate stem wind a d se
Bidding Has Concluded
Swiss size 12 half (demi) hunter 17 jewel pocket watch, dating to 1960's with split nickel plate ste153 - Swiss size 12 half (demi) hunter 17 jewel pocket watch, dating to 1960's with split nickel plate ste
Ward's Auctions
Swiss size 12 half (demi) hunter 17 jewel pocket watch, dating to 1960's with split nickel plate stem wind and set jewelled movement signed Swis...
Bidding Has Concluded
14 kt yellow gold and jade pedant154 - 14 kt yellow gold and jade pedant
Ward's Auctions
14 kt yellow gold and jade pedant
Bidding Has Concluded
Vintage14kt yellow gold Mozart medallion155 - Vintage14kt yellow gold Mozart medallion
Ward's Auctions
Vintage14kt yellow gold Mozart medallion
Bidding Has Concluded
Four pieces of glazed stoneware including a one gallon and a half gallon jug and two English made Pe156 - Four pieces of glazed stoneware including a one gallon and a half gallon jug and two English made Pe
Ward's Auctions
Four pieces of glazed stoneware including a one gallon and a half gallon jug and two English made Pearsons of Chesterfield jugs including pint and hal
Bidding Has Concluded
Six pieces of vintage glass including cranberry flash, cut to clear bowl 11 1/2" in diameter, hobnai157 - Six pieces of vintage glass including cranberry flash, cut to clear bowl 11 1/2" in diameter, hobnai
Ward's Auctions
Six pieces of vintage glass including cranberry flash, cut to clear bowl 11 1/2" in diameter, hobnail vase and pitcher, carnival decanter, flut...
Bidding Has Concluded
Selection of collectible coins and coin sets including 1992 Canadian boxed decimal set with silver d158 - Selection of collectible coins and coin sets including 1992 Canadian boxed decimal set with silver d
Ward's Auctions
Selection of collectible coins and coin sets including 1992 Canadian boxed decimal set with silver dollar, two boxed Canadian 2008 Vancouver Olympic s
Bidding Has Concluded
Oak framed leaded and stained glass panel, overall dimensions 25" X 22"159 - Oak framed leaded and stained glass panel, overall dimensions 25" X 22"
Ward's Auctions
Oak framed leaded and stained glass panel, overall dimensions 25" X 22"
Bidding Has Concluded
Framed oil on board painting "On Windy Ridge" signed R. Guest 1969 with paper label on verso, 18" X 160 - Framed oil on board painting "On Windy Ridge" signed R. Guest 1969 with paper label on verso, 18" X
Ward's Auctions
Framed oil on board painting "On Windy Ridge" signed R. Guest 1969 with paper label on verso, 18" X 24"
Bidding Has Concluded
Landers Frary & Clark #20 cast coffee mill made by New Britain, Conn. U.S.A, 12 1/2" in height161 - Landers Frary & Clark #20 cast coffee mill made by New Britain, Conn. U.S.A, 12 1/2" in height
Ward's Auctions
Landers Frary & Clark #20 cast coffee mill made by New Britain, Conn. U.S.A, 12 1/2" in height
Bidding Has Concluded
Antique matched grain oak Tudor style coffee table162 - Antique matched grain oak Tudor style coffee table
Ward's Auctions
Antique matched grain oak Tudor style coffee table
Bidding Has Concluded
British hallmarked sterling silver shell shaped cream and sugar163 - British hallmarked sterling silver shell shaped cream and sugar
Ward's Auctions
British hallmarked sterling silver shell shaped cream and sugar
Bidding Has Concluded
Pair of Arts and Crafts perforated copper candleholders and a English hallmarked copper dipper164 - Pair of Arts and Crafts perforated copper candleholders and a English hallmarked copper dipper
Ward's Auctions
Pair of Arts and Crafts perforated copper candleholders and a English hallmarked copper dipper
Bidding Has Concluded
Three piece matching sterling dresser set with hand mirror, hair brush and clothes brush, all with E165 - Three piece matching sterling dresser set with hand mirror, hair brush and clothes brush, all with E
Ward's Auctions
Three piece matching sterling dresser set with hand mirror, hair brush and clothes brush, all with English hallmarks
Bidding Has Concluded
Antique rush seated corner chair166 - Antique rush seated corner chair
Ward's Auctions
Antique rush seated corner chair
Bidding Has Concluded
Antique German bisque head 20" doll marked "Catterfelder Puppenfabrik No. 2" on articulated composit167 - Antique German bisque head 20" doll marked "Catterfelder Puppenfabrik No. 2" on articulated composit
Ward's Auctions
Antique German bisque head 20" doll marked "Catterfelder Puppenfabrik No. 2" on articulated composition body with open mouth, human h...
Bidding Has Concluded
Selection of sterling silver including Birks, Georg Jensen plus a 6" sterling comport etc.168 - Selection of sterling silver including Birks, Georg Jensen plus a 6" sterling comport etc.
Ward's Auctions
Selection of sterling silver including Birks, Georg Jensen plus a 6" sterling comport etc.
Bidding Has Concluded
French country single drawer side table made by Ethan Allen169 - French country single drawer side table made by Ethan Allen
Ward's Auctions
French country single drawer side table made by Ethan Allen
Bidding Has Concluded
French country two drawer side table made by Ethan Allen170 - French country two drawer side table made by Ethan Allen
Ward's Auctions
French country two drawer side table made by Ethan Allen
Bidding Has Concluded
Vintage composition Effanbee Bubbles doll on a cloth body, 22" in length, note some crazing and pain171 - Vintage composition Effanbee Bubbles doll on a cloth body, 22" in length, note some crazing and pain
Ward's Auctions
Vintage composition Effanbee Bubbles doll on a cloth body, 22" in length, note some crazing and paint loss to top of head, plus a wooden high c...
Bidding Has Concluded
Small Moorcroft anemone vase and a 7" green mark Belleek vase172 - Small Moorcroft anemone vase and a 7" green mark Belleek vase
Ward's Auctions
Small Moorcroft anemone vase and a 7" green mark Belleek vase
Bidding Has Concluded
Small antique Germany bisque Porzellanfabrik Mengersgereuth 914 doll with glass sleep eyes, open mou173 - Small antique Germany bisque Porzellanfabrik Mengersgereuth 914 doll with glass sleep eyes, open mou
Ward's Auctions
Small antique Germany bisque Porzellanfabrik Mengersgereuth 914 doll with glass sleep eyes, open mouth on a five piece composition body 8" tall...
Bidding Has Concluded
Antique oak fall front bureau with three drawers, desk with fitted interior topped with glazed displ174 - Antique oak fall front bureau with three drawers, desk with fitted interior topped with glazed displ
Ward's Auctions
Antique oak fall front bureau with three drawers, desk with fitted interior topped with glazed display section with two leaded stain glass door, origi
Bidding Has Concluded
Lady's 14kt yellow, white and rose gold solitaire diamond engagement ring set with brilliant white 1175 - Lady's 14kt yellow, white and rose gold solitaire diamond engagement ring set with brilliant white 1
Ward's Auctions
Lady's 14kt yellow, white and rose gold solitaire diamond engagement ring set with brilliant white 1.00ct white diamond. Retail replacement valu...
Bidding Has Concluded
Seven china cups and saucers including one demitasse, Aynsley, Adderley etc.176 - Seven china cups and saucers including one demitasse, Aynsley, Adderley etc.
Ward's Auctions
Seven china cups and saucers including one demitasse, Aynsley, Adderley etc. Notice: Not Available for shipping. Local bidders only
Bidding Has Concluded
Two Robert Tonner dolls including Theatre de la mode Gina, 16" in height and Tiny Kitty Collier 10" 177 - Two Robert Tonner dolls including Theatre de la mode Gina, 16" in height and Tiny Kitty Collier 10"
Ward's Auctions
Two Robert Tonner dolls including Theatre de la mode Gina, 16" in height and Tiny Kitty Collier 10" with trunk and accessories
Bidding Has Concluded
Victorian side chair with carved supports and decorative back upholstered in needlepoint upholstery 178 - Victorian side chair with carved supports and decorative back upholstered in needlepoint upholstery
Ward's Auctions
Victorian side chair with carved supports and decorative back upholstered in needlepoint upholstery and a mid 20th century center pedestal walnut occa
Bidding Has Concluded
Antique Hertel & Schwab 152, German character doll on five piece composition body with glass sleep e179 - Antique Hertel & Schwab 152, German character doll on five piece composition body with glass sleep e
Ward's Auctions
Antique Hertel & Schwab 152, German character doll on five piece composition body with glass sleep eyes and open mouth, 20" in length, no d...
Bidding Has Concluded
Lady's Cartier 18kt yellow, rose and white gold wedding band. Retail replacement value $2,000.00180 - Lady's Cartier 18kt yellow, rose and white gold wedding band. Retail replacement value $2,000.00
Ward's Auctions
Lady's Cartier 18kt yellow, rose and white gold wedding band. Retail replacement value $2,000.00
Bidding Has Concluded
Canada RCAF airman's uniform with badges including pants and jacket and a canteen181 - Canada RCAF airman's uniform with badges including pants and jacket and a canteen
Ward's Auctions
Canada RCAF airman's uniform with badges including pants and jacket and a canteen
Bidding Has Concluded
Sterling and ammonite ring and a golden amber pendant plus a white metal Hopi style bangle182 - Sterling and ammonite ring and a golden amber pendant plus a white metal Hopi style bangle
Ward's Auctions
Sterling and ammonite ring and a golden amber pendant plus a white metal Hopi style bangle
Bidding Has Concluded
Five gallon Medalta crock183 - Five gallon Medalta crock
Ward's Auctions
Five gallon Medalta crock
Bidding Has Concluded
Wool scatter rug with center medallion and overall geometric pattern, rust background with highlight184 - Wool scatter rug with center medallion and overall geometric pattern, rust background with highlight
Ward's Auctions
Wool scatter rug with center medallion and overall geometric pattern, rust background with highlights of teal, blue, green etc. 32" X 62"
Bidding Has Concluded
Antique English matched grain walnut three door wardrobe, 78" in height and 71" in width, matches lo185 - Antique English matched grain walnut three door wardrobe, 78" in height and 71" in width, matches lo
Ward's Auctions
Antique English matched grain walnut three door wardrobe, 78" in height and 71" in width, matches lots 186 and 187
Bidding Has Concluded
Antique English matched grain walnut three drawer and two door chiffarobe, a single door with single186 - Antique English matched grain walnut three drawer and two door chiffarobe, a single door with single
Ward's Auctions
Antique English matched grain walnut three drawer and two door chiffarobe, a single door with single drawer side table and two 39" wide headboa...
Bidding Has Concluded
Antique English matched grain walnut vanity with triple swing mirror187 - Antique English matched grain walnut vanity with triple swing mirror
Ward's Auctions
Antique English matched grain walnut vanity with triple swing mirror
Bidding Has Concluded
Nineteen vintage and antique books including sheet music, poetry books etc.188 - Nineteen vintage and antique books including sheet music, poetry books etc.
Ward's Auctions
Nineteen vintage and antique books including sheet music, poetry books etc.
Bidding Has Concluded
Original watercolour painting of winter street scene signed by artist Dorothy Walter, 16" X 22"189 - Original watercolour painting of winter street scene signed by artist Dorothy Walter, 16" X 22"
Ward's Auctions
Original watercolour painting of winter street scene signed by artist Dorothy Walter, 16" X 22"
Bidding Has Concluded
Antique long case clock with two chain weight driven chiming movement, visible weights and pendulum 190 - Antique long case clock with two chain weight driven chiming movement, visible weights and pendulum
Ward's Auctions
Antique long case clock with two chain weight driven chiming movement, visible weights and pendulum behind bevelled oval glass panel, brass face with
Bidding Has Concluded
Fourteen china cups and saucers including Shelley, Aynsley, Royal Albert etc.191 - Fourteen china cups and saucers including Shelley, Aynsley, Royal Albert etc.
Ward's Auctions
Fourteen china cups and saucers including Shelley, Aynsley, Royal Albert etc. Notice: Not Available for shipping. Local bidders only
Bidding Has Concluded
Framed black and white etching titled Pozzulo, the Ancient Puteoli and a vintage photograph of and e192 - Framed black and white etching titled Pozzulo, the Ancient Puteoli and a vintage photograph of and e
Ward's Auctions
Framed black and white etching titled Pozzulo, the Ancient Puteoli and a vintage photograph of and equestrian and his mount
Bidding Has Concluded
Large box containing vintage stamps and stamp albums193 - Large box containing vintage stamps and stamp albums
Ward's Auctions
Large box containing vintage stamps and stamp albums
Bidding Has Concluded
Selection of vintage and collectible glass Christmas tree ornaments194 - Selection of vintage and collectible glass Christmas tree ornaments
Ward's Auctions
Selection of vintage and collectible glass Christmas tree ornaments
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Two small Royal Doulton figurines including Lily and Miss Muppet HN1937 plus two Rosenthal white war195 - Two small Royal Doulton figurines including Lily and Miss Muppet HN1937 plus two Rosenthal white war
Ward's Auctions
Two small Royal Doulton figurines including Lily and Miss Muppet HN1937 plus two Rosenthal white ware vases
Bidding Has Concluded
Set of ten wooden Russian nesting dolls196 - Set of ten wooden Russian nesting dolls
Ward's Auctions
Set of ten wooden Russian nesting dolls
Bidding Has Concluded
Mikasa silk flowers dinnerware including setting for six of dinner and lunch plates, soup bowls, cup197 - Mikasa silk flowers dinnerware including setting for six of dinner and lunch plates, soup bowls, cup
Ward's Auctions
Mikasa silk flowers dinnerware including setting for six of dinner and lunch plates, soup bowls, cups and saucers. Notice: Not Available for shipping.
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Semi-contemporary pine two door entertainment unit with bottom drawer, would make great wardrobe198 - Semi-contemporary pine two door entertainment unit with bottom drawer, would make great wardrobe
Ward's Auctions
Semi-contemporary pine two door entertainment unit with bottom drawer, would make great wardrobe
Bidding Has Concluded
Two vintage signed Eisenberg clear diamante brooches, one with matching earrings plus a signed Bouch199 - Two vintage signed Eisenberg clear diamante brooches, one with matching earrings plus a signed Bouch
Ward's Auctions
Two vintage signed Eisenberg clear diamante brooches, one with matching earrings plus a signed Boucher brooch with matching earrings, and sterling sil
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Shelf lot of collectible cornflower crystal including drinking glasses, small plates, set of eight w200 - Shelf lot of collectible cornflower crystal including drinking glasses, small plates, set of eight w
Ward's Auctions
Shelf lot of collectible cornflower crystal including drinking glasses, small plates, set of eight wine glass, punch cups etc. Notice: Not Available f
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